Distractions. What Causes You to Wander?

I am what you would call a natural wanderer.
I start cleaning in one room, see something in another room that needs to be dealt with and I make my way into there, drifting away from the task that I hadn’t finished yet.
I start talking about something, a thought pops in my mind and slowly leads me to start talking about this new piece of information before I am done with the other. My husband is the hardest hit victim with this trait.
I walk into the office to find a pen to write something on my grocery list that I need to remember. I take second to check e-mail, then Facebook, and before I know it I have been in there for a half hour and walk out of the room without the pen and I forget to write the item on the list, which leads me to not buy it at the store when I go.
I have a never ending list of moments similar to these.
This has overflowed into my spiritual life as well. I sit down to have time with God and soon I have to go to the bathroom, which causes me to walk by several rooms. Going to the bathroom leads to cleaning a few dishes, getting something out of the way, noticing that I have a text on my phone and soon I have wandered away from the time I desperately need with the Lord.
God shows me some things I need to work on. I look up scriptures to help me with this and as I am searching, I find scriptures for other things that I need to work on as well. However, God is desiring me to work on that one thing first before move on to something else.
Do you struggle with distractions? What type of distractions pull you away from time in God’s presence and in doing the things He has called you to do?
We need to recognize those things that pull us away from the Lord. Time in His presence is too priceless.
We can not exchange external treasures for worldy ones.
I have a love/hate relationship with technology. I am still learning how to use it well but technology helps me to hear and it helps me to reach you the way I do now. I find in the generation and culture that technology is a number one distraction for us.
We tend to think about activities at church being good things and they are but they also can be a distraction to time with God and His call on your life, if you are doing things that aren’t part of that calling or Season of life.
People can be a distraction. Family, friends, co-workers, and others can be a distraction, especially if they are not invested in seeing you walking with God.
We have to realize that when we seek God and His kingdom first, all other things will flow.
I challenge you this week to look at what distracts you. Write them down and ask God to help you seek Him first. I know when I put Him first in my day, I get things done that I didn’t have time for. I talked to twice as many people in some form, I took care of my family better, and I served Him well!
Lord, I ask that you forgive me for being distracted by this world and responsibilities of the day. I pray that you show me what is pulling me away from time with You and what You have called me to do today. Help me to seek You first always!!! In Jesus Name! Amen!