“Walking In My Daddy’s Shoes”

My son David used to love putting his small feet into his Daddy’s big shoes. I used to fight laughing as I watched him struggle to put one foot in front of the other.
Sometimes he would trip and they may fall off but he would put his feet back in and get up and keep walking.
David is going to be sixteen in July and it has caused me to go back, look at pictures from those sweet and precious years that went by way too fast.
I sat and looked at this picture and I couldn’t help but think about myself with my Heavenly Father.
Everyday that I wake up, I want to live this life walking in my Daddy’s shoes.
I put my small feet in those big shoes and start walking.
I read God’s word, study how Jesus walked on this earth, and try to walk that same way.
Like David I trip and fall, sometimes I stumble and scrape my knee but I get up and keep walking.
Every day I love my heavenly Daddy more and more. I desire to follow Him with my whole heart and to walk in His footsteps. Jesus was the perfect reflection of our Heavenly Father. I will study His ways and seek His heart as long as I live.
It blessed my heart to see David put on his Daddy’s shoes and walk in them so proudly.
I pray that my Daddy looks down and sees this sweet little girl putting her small feet in His big shoes, walking this life out following His footsteps in a way that makes him smile.
How about you? Are you putting you feet in your Heavenly Father’s shoes and walking in Him or are you putting your own shoes on and going your own way?
I pray that this week you will wake up and desire to put on your Daddy’s shoes and walk with Him! I encourage you to look at your life and really seek Him and know Him. Your Daddy wants you to walk in His footsteps.