Speaking Words Of Life Is A Lifelong Responsibility

One thing I have learned as a mom is that loving our children and building them up is not an eighteen year journey that hits a dead end and suddenly we can turn and walk away.
Parenting has different stages and seasons. It may look different at age five than it does at age thirteen and eighteen but we still have a responsibility to love our children, guide them and build them up.
I love to see the smile that comes on my son’s face when I tell him he looks nice or when I notice that he has been working really hard.
This world can be so dark, hard, and unloving. Our children can feel beat up and weary so easily. There is the race to be the most popular, the best looking, or the most successful.
Our words of love and encouragement can be a refreshing drink of water to their thirsty soul.
As my boys have gotten older, it has been a difficult transition for me. I love being a mom and I was feeling that my job was done and over because they were becoming adults but God has shown me that even though it looks different, I still play a special part in my children’s lives.
I long to be intentional in speaking those words of life.
I am so thankful for those God has put in my life to speak those words to me.
Many times I begin to feel weary, as I walk this road called life. There are many voices that come and fill my head as I attempt to cast them out. The lies of my enemy whose greatest desire is to defeat me, speaks words of death into my ears.
Sometimes I find myself believing those lies and God so graciously speaks through my husband, my children, or those He has put in my life, who love me so well.
I thank God that He continues to give me a special place in my children’s lives that way.
Lord, I thank You for the privilege of being a mom. I am so thankful that even though the seasons of motherhood change, you always keep that place special. I pray that my words would breathe life into my children and not death. I pray I will build them up and not tear them down. I pray I will encourage them and not discourage. I thank you that are the greatest example of this! Thank you for the words of life you speak to us when we are weary, frustrated, trapped in bondage and struggling. Thank you for encouraging us when we are discouraged and feeling down. We love you and praise You today! In Jesus Name! Amen!