Peeling Back The Layers of Our Hearts

Earlier this week, I was pondering some things in my heart and talking to God about them.
I began thanking Him and praising Him for the healing He had been doing in my heart over the last twenty years.
It is a beautiful thing to have a familiar conversation or situation arise and notice that your response and attitude is completely different than before.
When this happens it causes me to look back over the years and see where and how God renewed my mind and changed my heart. It also brings the question, “Why did it take me so long?” to my mind.
When did these layers of my heart fall off?
My heart was full of pain, anger, insecurity, resentment, and bitterness. It didn’t get that way overnight and it certainly didn’t heal with the snap of my fingers or even telling God I wanted it to go away.
As I sat in God’s presence meditating on this, I realized that it is a process. God knows what we can handle, when and how. He doesn’t have us clean house all at once because it would completely overwhelm us and possibly destroy us.
We need to work though things in order to get to the root. The deepest and last layer.
I know this has been said many times but I am going to say it again. Our hearts are like onions. God peels away one layer at a time. As you seek Him and allow Him to peel those layers off and be willing to truly look at the truth of what is there, than you can get to the root and be healed.
There were times when I was sincerely wanting a particular layer worked through but it seemed there was something in my heart or mind keeping me from doing that. God is faithful! I continued to pray and allow Him to shift me in my thinking and feelings.
I want to encourage you today!!
Do not be discouraged if you feel stuck or do not despair if you have been praying and seeking God for healing in a certain area. He is working in you. If you allow Him to search your heart and speak to you, He will reveal truth and will bring healing to those layers of your heart.
One day you will be in a familiar conversation or situation and you will realize that your response is not the same.
God’s timing is perfect. He is never late. If the process seems long, I believe it is because He knows we need that in order to have healing that lasts.
Psalm 51:10-13 says; “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take your holy spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and sustain me with a willing spirit. Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners will be converted to You.”