Letting Others Into Our Messy Hearts.

When I was growing up no one really talked about their feelings much. At church it seemed as though everyone had on their masks that told others around them that they had it all together and they didn’t need anything from anyone, including the Lord.
I have always had this desire and need in me to talk to others about my feelings but because I never really had anyone to do that with, it caused me to have things left inside that really needed to be let out, dealt with, and worked through I was very different from those around me and I always felt like something was wrong with me but I have come to realize that this is a God given need.
I noticed that no one really talked about certain sins except the ones that didn’t seem that bad. The church did not want to talk about the real struggles that come as we battle sin.
I believe that satan has used this to keep people in bondage and to keep us living in shame and condemnation.
“Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” James 5:16
God’s word encourages us to confess our sins to one another, to be willing to share our struggles with sin and have people pray for us so that we may be healed.
If we are going to do this we have to be willing to be vulnerable and transparent. This is scary stuff!! It exposes the depths of our very being. It lets people know that I don’t have it all together. It tells people that I do need others, especially the Lord.
Recently I have begun praying and asking God to reveal to me my true heart condition. This has been incredibly scary for me for many reasons. I have come to know God in deep ways. I know that He is faithful and when I seek Him, I find Him. I know when I ask Him to do this, He will be faithful. I also know that there are messy parts of my heart that I need to see through His eyes. Messy parts that are hindering me from living the life He has called me to.
One area has been unforgiveness. He is in the process of revealing to me those people I need to fully forgive. This has been a painful but freeing process.
Another area has been communication with loved ones and dealing with a deep fear of those who are more dominant personalities than I am.
I am learning to recognize the struggles in this heart of mine and I am confessing it to those God has put in my life to confess to and allowing them to pray for me. I am sharing with you so you can see some of the messy places of my heart.
I do not want to pretend that life is grand all the time because it is not.
I do not want to put on masks.
I do not want to walk in fear of situations or people.
I do want to be real and transparent to those around me.
I do want to be a place where others feel safe to share their messy hearts with me, where we can pray together, see and experience healing.
How about you? Have you buried things in your heart because you feel shame and embarrassment. Do you keep yourself locked up emotionally out of fear you might get hurt?
I encourage you today to pray about the people God has put in your life. Ask Him to reveal who is there to be a person you can share the messy parts of your heart today.
If you don’t feel you have a person like that in your life please message me. I would love to be a listening ear, safe place, and someone who can pray with you.
Jesus died on the cross and rose again from the dead that you might live in freedom and have that abundant life He offers.
I am truly thankful for those God has brought into my life who are willing to share their messy hearts and mine.