Those Who Delight In The Lord Are Blessed!

One of the things I love about this picture is the joy I see on my face. Today I want to share with you where that joy is coming from.
In Psalm 37:4 it says; “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”
I have always loved this verse but I have not always understood it correctly. Many times we look at this verse and assume if we just believe in the Lord than everything we want will be at our feet.
To delight means to take great pleasure in. When we take great pleasure in things, we seek after them.
I love shoes so I seek after opportunities to obtain more. I am sure many of you ladies can relate.
[tweetthis]What are the things in life you seek after and take pleasure in?[/tweetthis]In my last post I wrote about my struggles over the Summer which led me to the feet of Jesus. I laid everything down that I was seeking after and taking pleasure in. I surrendered it all and asked my Father to only give back what He wanted me to have.
My struggles and trials have caused me to seek after God with perseverance and passion. It has caused me to realize that my heart was in too many directions and I was not living in the joy He wanted me to. I did not feel blessed, I felt worn, weary, frustrated, and unfruitful.
Psalm 37:5 says; “Commit your way to the Lord and He will do it.”
My eyes became opened to the truth that I was not committing my way fully to the Lord. He wanted me to transition and I was reluctant to the change so I held on instead of letting go.
God has been faithful to show me where He wants me and He has given me the strength to let go. I have been taking the steps that He has shown me to take and I have been obedient in seeking after His heart fully.
My heart has been flooded with more joy, steadfast peace, and love than I have ever experienced. As I surrender daily to Him, He causes my heart’s desires to be aligned with His.
This joy you see on my face here is not joy that comes from seeking after shoes my friend. This joy on my face comes from one place. It comes from knowing, loving, abiding in, and walking with God through Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.
Do you know Jesus? Are you experiencing the joy He has for you today?
Seek after Him and delight in Him.
“But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33
You will be blessed!! I know I am!!