Embracing The Unique, Quirky, and Lovable Person I am In Christ.

My journey from the Summer has continued into the Fall. God is continuing to show me the true nature and condition of my heart.
In my process of laying everything I am, everything I do, relationships, and ministry down at the Lord’s feet, He revealed something to me, I want to share this with you today.
God had confirmed what the priorities in my life should look like right now in this Season. Now I needed to transition my schedule and my days to reflect these priorities in my life.
Can I just say I have tried to understand Evernote and other apps out there. I have a calendar on my phone and my computer. Yet I can’t seem to get organized with my schedule very well.
I have a couple friends I serve with in youth ministry. We got together for a meeting and they both had these cool planners. I had to find out where they got them and go get one. They are big enough to keep an incredible amount of room for information, goals, schedules, and birthdays in and you can keep it in your purse.
I ran out and got one!
I also realized after my voice recorder broke, I was not recording the thoughts, ideas, and heart notes the Lord was showing me in the shower, as I am cleaning, and in the car while I am driving. There is an app on my phone to do this but can I tell you how dangerous it is for me to try to find this as I drive. I have to write the thoughts that pour into my heart and mind quickly or it escapes like air out of a balloon that has just been popped.
Can anyone relate to these things?
I am a quirky girl. I have a simple mind and these technology things just overwhelm me and take me forever to learn just for that method to become extinct and onto the next thing. I can not keep up. I spend a ridiculous amount of time on these things and it stunts my growth as a writer and blogger, among the other roles in my life.
I am left frustrated and feeling stupid because since everyone else gets this and functions this way, shouldn’t I?
God revealed to me something. I was so busy trying to do things like everyone else, I lost sight of the fact that I was made uniquely and creatively by my Heavenly Father, the Creator of the heavens and earth.
[tweetthis]The root of these feelings stemmed from my insecurities and the belief of the lie that I am not good enough[/tweetthis]I began to work on my planner and structure myself with some things. I have a journal in my purse to write those precious thoughts God gives me during the day. I have been more productive and balanced in my writing and my priorities than I have in my life.
My lesson was I needed to let go of the lie that I am not good enough. I needed to let go of the lie that I needed to keep up with others in different ways.
I needed to embrace the unique, quirky, and lovable woman He made me to be. I needed to not just read the scripture that says I am fearfully and wonderfully made, it had to become a truth that penetrated my heart in a way I not only believed it but lived as though I believed it.
Are you discouraged because it feels like you are not good enough?
Do you question why you are vastly different form those around you?
I encourage you to bring this to the Lord today.
I want to speak truth to those lies today. God wants you to embrace your uniqueness. it is good we do not look like everyone else. He created us uniquely. The enemy wants us spending time comparing and feeling depressed about the fact, we don’t live up to the standard we see around us.
I need sisters standing with me today saying, “I no longer am receiving this lie!”. Will you stand with me?
Today, “I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are your works, and my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 139:14
I can confidently say, my soul knows this truth very well. Praise God for the freedom He gives when we receive His truth fully. I pray you have this confidence today and every day. Let’s take back what the enemy has stolen my sweet sisters! God has an amazing plan for our lives!!
Courtney Leigh
Desiree, this can be such a hard truth to remember, especially when we are so acquainted with our own flaws. And then sometimes, we pick on ourselves for things that we deem flaws even though they really aren’t. It is easy to forget that God was intentional about making us the way He did. This is a lovely reminder!