A New Year, A New Season, and A New Adventure Waiting For Us.

The other day, I was reminded of something the Lord shared with me a few years ago. I had this vision of myself in my mind, hanging at the top of the cliff by my pinky. I looked down and saw God was standing under me. He wanted me to let go of the cliff completely. Of course I thought this was nuts. I mean how can I let go of the cliff? I would die right?
He shared with me that I would be safe. He would catch me. Deep down I did not feel entirely convinced. Why? This is the God who loved me so much He sent His only son to die for me. This is the God who pursues me daily and consistently because our relationship means that much to Him. Why was I afraid?
I just hung there with my pinky. I could not move or do much of anything really. I was not accomplishing very much just hanging there.
What I began to realize was God was asking me to let go fully. For some reason I felt more secure if I had that little bit of control. I thought somehow I was keeping myself safe but I was really keeping myself stuck.
God wanted to free me. He wanted me to go with Him where He was going but I could only do that if I let go of my pinky.
I was not able to see:
In His hands, I am safe.
In His care, I am protected.
In His arms, I am loved.
[tweetthis]In Him I am free. I am unstuck and unhindered. I am able to move with Him where He wants us to go together. [/tweetthis]My adventure this year is going to come from my fully letting go. I don’t have to know the details. I have no need to have everything just right before moving forward.
I am going to love where He leads me to love.
I am going to walk where He leads me to go, even if it is not where I think I should go or where I have been.
I am going to write out of the flow of my heart. Whatever He brings.
I am going forward unstuck and unhindered.
Are there areas or relationships in your life where you need to let go?
Are you stuck in fear, shame, or condemnation?
Let go my friend!!
I know it is not easy. It has taken me a long time. First it was two hands on that cliff, then it was one. It was several fingers and finally down to my pinky. It has been a process. This does not happen overnight many times.
Let’s do this together. I am going to take my pinky off. Will you do this with me?
If you have decided to join me on this adventure, please let me know. Make a comment below or send me a message on social media. I would love to know!!
Lord, I thank you for your love. I am thankful we can know that love fully. I pray for my friends and I as we let go together today. Free us Lord God! Free us to walk with you and talk with you and live this life in abundance, unhindered and unstuck. I pray for peace in the unknown, for joy through the trials, for victory in the spiritual attacks, and for your love to flow through our hearts to those around us. May others see what You are doing in us and be drawn to You in a real way. We love You, praise You, and walk expectant of what You will do in and through us this year. May it be the adventure of a lifetime! In Jesus Name!!