May Our Eyes Be Enlightened

I love this picture of my oldest son Kyle. He had just opened his Christmas present and realized what he had received. His face beamed with excitement and joy with anticipation of all he was going to be able to do with this gift.
My son knew what he had received. He knew what he had been given and the potential he had to be able to do some really cool things this. He dove right in to learning about how it worked and what he could do. He played around with different ways to program this creation. Some things worked and some didn’t.
This makes me think of us. We have received a gift. Did you know that?
Those of us who believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior have received a gift!!
[tweetthis]Do we really understand what we have been given by God through His Son Jesus Christ? [/tweetthis]As I look around, I am not convinced we truly understand what we have been given or the potential we have in Christ Jesus. I see too many Christians walking around in defeat and powerless. I see too many Christians walking around in such negativity and self-pity.
I have been one.
One of the prayers I have prayed lately is from Ephesians 1:18-19. I pray that the eyes of my heart and the believers may be enlightened, so that we would know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of His glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe.
I want to know all I have in Christ. I want to have that joy like I see on my son’s face as he opened his gift and realized what he had received. I want to live this and I want you to know and live this too.
Do you know who you are in Christ?
Do you know what you have received because you are IN CHRIST?
If you do, are you living this out in everyday life?
I want to spend the next couple of weeks exploring this together. I pray you will join me in this journey.
I am praying this prayer not just for me but for all of us. Pray along with me. May our eyes be enlightened to all we are IN CHRIST and all we have in HIM and may we live this out in our lives in tangible ways that all may see and be drawn to our Lord Jesus Christ.