The Love Of A Friend Who Sees You

This has been a season of transition in many ways. Transition in family, in ministry, in my body, and just in life in general.
God has called me away to be still for awhile. This can be difficult for a girl who loves people and is a pursuer. It is also difficult as a woman who has battled with depression over the years.
God has been teaching me how to love myself a little better by showing me ways to take care of me. This is not a natural thing for me. I would rather be loving someone else.
He has put me in a position to be stuck at home more. Literally stuck some days. Unfortunately that is what God has to do with me since I won’t stay there on my own. We live forty-five minutes from our church and most of our friends, so it has been challenging for me and it can be really lonely.
This Sunday, I walked into church and I just really felt like I didn’t want to see anyone. I wanted to go hide and sit in a seat where no one could find me. This is so unlike me. I am a girl who tries to talk to as many people as I can before I leave. I want to hug each one and make them know how much I love them but more importantly that God loves them.
It really bothered me that I had been struggling with this. I think it is just part of the season for me but not everyone pursues the way I do and my mind wanders to a place where I wonder if anyone really cares.
[tweetthis]I went to a place to just talk to God for a few minutes, I was honest about my struggle[/tweetthis] and asked Him to help me through it.I saw a lady I love dearly, who I had not caught up with in awhile and was sitting alone, so I walked over and sat down with her.
During the service, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a sweet friend. She handed me a card and a gift. It was not my birthday or any special occasion so I was completely surprised.
I opened the card and God’s love just poured out onto me. My friend shared that she missed me, loved me, and was praying for me. I began to cry, discreetly of course because I didn’t want to be seen in that position. then I gently opened the gift to see this beautiful, sparkling bracelet with a cross on it.
I could hear God saying, “I see you, I hear you, and I love you.” I was reminded that He was there and He cared about where I was more than I imagined.
Some days I have asked Him if He could put my name on someone’s heart the way He puts people on mine all the time. I know He does and I know people pray for me and love me but sometimes I hear the enemy whispering things in my ear to cause me to doubt that.
[tweetthis]Have you ever felt that way? Have you ever wondered if God even sees you or cares?[/tweetthis]
Just like God used my friend to show me He saw me, I am here to tell you, He sees you. He cares about what is concerning you and how you feel. He cares that you are lonely. He cares that you feel overwhelmed and He is here with you right now.
The enemy wants us to feel alone and abandoned by God.
Sometimes we go through stretches of life where God seems quiet. I am in a place where I need to sit and be still more when I want to run and go play with my friends. It is a place where I am not always comfortable and a place I fear I will get too comfortable being in.
Sometimes we don’t understand why God has us where He does and we feel as though He has left us all alone, then He uses a friend who sees us and loves us. He puts our name on their heart. Sometimes they pray for us and sometimes they give us something tangible.
I am thankful for my sweet friend, God chose to use to remind me of this truth. Every time I look at and wear this bracelet. I will be reminded that God sees me, He loves me, and He is walking in this new and different place with me.
I pray this blog post will be a reminder to you of that very truth. I pray it sinks deep into your heart and your spirit. I pray when the enemy comes to steal that truth from you, he is unable to.
I pray that God puts someone on our hearts today who needs to be seen and loved. Let’s pray this together and share what God does in the comments below.
This post is linked up to #livefreeThursday and #HeartEncouragementThursday