Preserving Freedom

As I sit here this morning, drinking my coffee and preparing my grocery shopping list, I notice the bright red, white, and blue colors on the flyers, shouting out the big, flashy sales for the Fourth of July celebrations and picnics, the store owners anticipate people having.
Being the deep thinker I am, my thoughts slip past the decision about what to bring to the picnic and goes to remembering what we are truly celebrating that day. I think about the men and women who sacrificed for this Country to know and experience the freedom we have. I try to envision what it was like for them back then and I think about the joy that must have been felt when the victory in that war was won.
While I was praying for our Country and it’s leaders this morning, I was reminded that freedom has to be fought for continually, even after the war is won. There are always enemies who want to kill, steal, and destroy that freedom we know in this Country.
Freedom always needs to be protected or it can be lost.
I feel like I have been frighting for freedom lately. I know Christ died for me. He rose from the dead and He has a special place for me in Heaven with Him. I know I am free in Christ. My freedom has been bought and paid for. When I accepted Christ as my Savior, that freedom was mine.
To know we are free in Christ and to live free in Christ, are two different things. Share on X
I am a new creation in Christ. I know this, yet I am constantly seeing the old man in my thoughts, words, and actions.
We have an enemy too. He wants us to continue living in slavery instead of living in the freedom we have in Christ.
“The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:10 (NASB)”
We have to fight for our freedom daily. We have to intentionally put on the armor of God daily. We must die to our flesh daily so we can live in the spirit daily.
Every day I have to fight off the lies of the enemy with the truth of God.
Every day pride has to be humbled in my life.
Every day I have to look at myself and remind me about who I am in Christ.
Every day I have to choose to be thankful, even though my flesh wants to complain, grumble, and live in discontent.
Every day I have to choose to see God first and love Him the most.
I am blessed to live in this Country and I pray we never forget the sacrifice that was paid for our freedom. I pray we never forget the sacrifices still being made to keep that freedom. May we pray for wisdom for our leaders, whoever they may be in the moment.
I am blessed to be a child of the One True King. May we never forget the sacrifice Jesus made for us. may we pray for wisdom in fighting the battles we face daily. may we seek Him first and love Him above all. May we be willing to die to our flesh daily and truly live in the freedom we have in Christ.
“It was for freedom that Christ set us free, therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1 (NASB)
Betsy de Cruz
Hey there Desiree, what a beautiful site you have, friend. I appreciate your thoughts on freedom! We have to fight for our freedom in Christ. Such a paradox that He’s set us free, yet we have to stand in it!