The Heart Of A Renewed Creation

“I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my cry. He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay. And He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and will trust in the Lord.
Psalm 40:1-3,
This Psalm has such special meaning to me. I remember when I was stuck in a very deep pit. People looked at me as though I was worthless and just another girl whose life would not amount to anything. My feet were stuck in a thick quicksand of sin and shame. I was broken in a million pieces. I was stuck and I was sinking deep and quick.
I cried out to God. I asked for forgiveness. I begged Him to help me climb out of this hole I was in. Share on XI still remember seeing His hand reach down to me, inviting me out of the deep, dark pit I had dug. It was such a beautiful picture for me.
Making the choice to take His hand was only the first step. There was an incredible amount of rubble and debris in my heart that needed to be cleaned up. I am still in the process of moving the rocks to see what is underneath as well as breaking down old walls. God continues to shine His light in the dark places of my heart and He continues to transform me from the inside out, daily. Share on X
He has planted my feet upon a rock where my feet are firmly planted in the faith that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and in the truth that my Heavenly Father has me in the palm of His hand. I no longer just think He loves me or think He loves me only when I am being good but because I am His. I finally know this and believe it! My footsteps are made firm and I have a confidence and a trust He is leading me to a place where I will be more like Him.
He truly has put a new song in my mouth. It is a song of healing, forgiveness, hope, reconciliation, and love. His praises flow from my lips because of who He is to me and what He has done in my life. Share on XThis is the heart of why I write and why I share with all of you. I would be dead in every wayif it wasn’t for God loving me and seeing who I could be in Jesus. He saw in me what others did not and could not and this is who I want to be in other people’s lives.
It may not seem like you are worth much or that you are too far gone. It may feel like it is too hard to get out of the pit you have found yourself in. It may be that you have lots of degrees, lots of money, and all the material things you could want in life, yet you still feel empty.
I am here to let you know that God loves you, He sees you, and it is possible to get out of that pit you are in. Share on XYou need Jesus Christ in your life and you need others to walk with ,be accountable to, and to share your struggles and victories with.
I pray this can be a place where you can share your struggles, your testimonies, and your prayer needs as well as your victories.
This is the heart of, “A Renewed Creation” and this is God’s heart for you!
Lord, I thank you for loving me and seeing me through Jesus. Thank you for saving me from the pit. I pray for those here who have found themselves in a pit and feel as though they can’t get out. May they call out to Jesus. You are the forgiver of sins and healer of broken hearts. I pray You would touch each one in a personal way, that draws them to You and brings them to that life of freedom, Jesus died to give us. Break every chain and tear down every stronghold in Jesus Name! Amen!
Meghan Weyerbacher
I am so glad I was your neighbor today over at Lori’s. What you have written here sounds like words from my own mouth. Wow! I am still walking out much, but I know God is with me. Thank you so much for sharing this. I hope to read more here. God bless and have a great week!
Thank you for coming over! I am blessed to meet you!Thank you for sharing!!