Made Like New

It has been a season of cleaning out and I am always making bags for the local Johnnycake Center. This place is a thrift store that also has other services to help the Community.

This place is one that is special to me. They were a place where I could find clothes for my kids on a tight budget. It was a place to have a fun shopping experience with only $5 in your pocket. It is a place where I have been helped and I love giving back and helping now.

My oldest son is moving into his first apartment and I was looking for some kitchen stuff for him. I had bags to bring down and drop off so I figured I would peek around. I found a crockpot that was like new and it came with a cookbook in it. All for $8!!

Of course as I looked around and I found some pieces of clothing for me. Clothes at this place are $1 a piece. Some days it is like finding a needle in the haystack, but I always find something great there.

I brought them all home and cleaned them up. You would never know they came from a thrift store in town. I get some of my best compliments on the clothes I get from there.

The thing is, if people really saw where I got the clothes, they may change their compliment. I see this when it comes to people too. Share on X

When people look good on the outside, people are drawn to them. Others talk about how great they look and how good they are at what they do. Compliments flow. When they start getting to know those same people and they realize where they have come from, the tune changes or they decide they aren’t the kind of person they should be hanging around.

The thing is, we are like those clothes. Used, old, and thrown away. God picked us up for a price. Much more than $1. He washed us up and made us like new. When people see us they don't see where we came from, but where we are now. Share on X

We all have sin stains on us. The sins may be different and some may seem bigger than others but sin is sin. We have all come from somewhere and we have all needed to be washed and cleansed.

What makes us think we can determine one person's sin or stain is any worse than ours? Share on X

What makes us think we are worth any more to God than anyone else?

I love the clothes I find at this place. I am thankful that this beautiful store exists. It has been a God send and a source of provision for me when I had nothing. I love going in and seeing people from my community, no matter what they look like or where they come from. I love bringing in my smile and God’s love and I pray I bless someone along the way.

When you meet someone and you learn about where they have come from, please stick around. Remember that we are all someone God loves, and we can all be made new in Jesus. Share on X

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV