The Later List

My husband and I started a house project that was supposed to consist of dealing with one part of the house. It turned into a whole house renovation.

This obviously affected the budget and cost.

We had things that we wanted to do but as other things became exposed we had to make what we call a “Later List.”

Things like the fireplace went on that list.

I really love fireplaces. They represent happy childhood memories that I try to hold on to and I have always wanted on. Share on X

I love wood burning but we settled on a gas fireplace. It will happen, just not right now.

I used to take piano lessons. I loved playing the piano but as my hearing got worse, I let it go.

When I got my cochlear implants, somewhere in the back of my mind I was hoping I could get back to it.

When my youngest graduated from High School and began moving forward in his life, I seriously began learning and playing the piano again.

Recently, I worked hard at trying to start it again, but as I have been praying about time management, and the things God has called me to do, He revealed that the piano lessons and practicing need to go on my life’s “Later List.”

It was heartbreaking for me to do. I have enjoyed getting into it, and some of it felt unfair, but I know it will happen later when the timing is right. Share on X

Sometimes, God asks us to put things down and put them on a “Later List.” It is a hard process especially when you feel like you just got somewhere with it all.

I have kept the keyboard up for months in hopes of doing something to move forward with it, but today, He had me box it up and put it in the closet. Somewhere not out in the open and accessible, but yet available.

It makes my heart sad. I was really looking forward to the fireplace now and playing the piano.

I am intentionally trusting that God has a plan. The desires He puts in my heart have a purpose, and when the time is right, God will show me when I can cross them off the “Later List.”

Until then, I need to trust, obey, and wait. Share on X

Are there things God is asking you to put away for now and put on a “Later List?”

Are you struggling with this and fighting the process?

Are you dreading having to wait on God for these things?

Let me pray for us, Heavenly Father, I thank You for the desires in our hearts that You are asking us to wait on. I pray You would help us to keep seeking, following, and worshipping as we wait on You. Guide each step, and each moment in our lives. May we be able to celebrate and truly enjoy what You gives us when it is time to take them off the “Later List.” In Jesus Name, Amen!