Becoming A “JoyKeeper”

This week on my blog, I am highlighting the book, “JoyKeeper” by my friend and author, Suzanne Eller. This book has come at an essential time for me and others. We are in a season where joy has been hard to keep, and there are circumstances all around us to distract us and bring us down.

People are overwhelmed by fear and anxiety. Isolation brings depression. The unknowns can overtake us and leave us feeling hopeless. There are joy stealers all around us, and Suzie talks about some of those joy stealers in her book. And she brings truth to those joy stealers so we can become joy keepers.

Many of us, especially as women, struggle with keeping joy amid our emotions and circumstances. Joy feels as though it comes and goes. Suzie understands this, and God has brought her through some hard and hurting places where He has taught her the truth that “Joy is more than a feeling. It’s a knowing.”

Suzie shares with us the joy stealers God has exposed in her life and the truths He has shared with her that have helped her become a JoyKeeper. I love Suzie's transparent and loving heart and willingness to share her journey. Share on X

In the book, there are pause points where you can take time to answer questions and write down what God is showing you personally. There is also a section with a 30-day devotional to help you move towards living out this “Joykeeper” life.

It would also be a great book to use in a small group, and with many small groups being online these days, it is a straightforward book to do together online.

Amid our times’ trials, circumstances, and atmosphere, God is still moving and working in and through us. I want to be a bright light amid the darkness, and I know that being a “JoyKeeper” will help us shine in a world where people are depressed, anxious, and hopeless.

Will you join me on my journey to become a "JoyKeeper?" Share on X