Learning to Persevere With A Weary Heart

The last several years of this book-writing process have been like taking a ride on a yo-yo. As I finished each chapter and felt closer to being finished with the book, we encountered a multitude of interruptions and distractions, as well as the process of rereading and realizing there was still much more work to do.

My heart struggled not to grow weary and give up.

I remember reading my introduction and being really unhappy with it. I walked away, feeling a little discouraged. So much time and effort had already been put into all of this; I was ready to be done. It was days and days of reading and rereading, erasing and writing, and erasing again.

First, the Introduction and then all through the other chapters. Chapters 7 and 10 were some of my most challenging and are truly works of the heart.

God has used so many things to help me persevere in this life. My hearing has been one of the biggest areas where He has taught me to seek Him for help and to push through. It has also been a place where He has taught me to ask others for help.

There were many moments through all of this when I had friends I had to ask to pray for me; some would just let me vent, and my closest people let me cry. God gave me cheerleaders and those who would help me keep my attitude in check when I struggled to want to keep going.

Are there areas you are having to persevere in right now?

Can I be your cheerleader and encourager? I won’t say you can do it because the truth is we need God to do it through us. We need His strength and His Holy Spirit to help us persevere.

I was about to be finished and getting close to being ready to sign the contract, and my mom passed away. This was a big setback when it came to the book. I had to pause everything for a time and be present.

God was so faithful during this time. The morning my mom passed, we were supposed to bring her to the doctor’s. When I woke up and took a few minutes to be with the Lord, He brought me to this scripture.

The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace,
Because he trusts in You.
“Trust in the LORD forever,
For in GOD the LORD, we have an everlasting Rock. Isaiah 26:3-4

This verse sustained me that day and helped me remain steadfast in my goal of finishing the book. He was my rock that day, and He has been my rock as I work out writing this story that will soon be in print for others to read.

Do we trust that God will get us to where He is taking us? Do we trust God to give us the words to write or speak? Do we trust God to help us to take the steps He is calling us to take? If we don’t, it will be even harder to take those steps.

I pray you will reach out to the God who loves you and wants to be your rock and your peace today. The One who promises to be our strength in our weakness, the One who promises to get us to the other side.

I would love for you to share those areas where you are feeling weary and need strength to persevere. We would love to pray with you and for you! You are not alone!