Signing the Contract and Handing in the Manuscript

Perseverance paid off, and I finally finished my manuscript. Next was to go through the content editing.

God provided an AMAZING content editor who taught me an immeasurable amount. She also became a treasured friend, Peggy Bodde, who just launched her book, Sacred Work.

All through that process was a gentle amount of growing pains and the joy of watching the life of this message and this book grow and become what it was meant to be.

We had been praying about how to do the publishing option. Self-publishing wasn’t an option for me. I was certain of that especially for this new book. This book was so personal and such a part of me that I wasn’t fully comfortable with giving up my rights to a traditional publisher either.

I was talking to God about what to do about this, and less than a week later, an author reached out to me to connect. I didn’t really know her, but I loved making new connections and said, “Yes,” immediately.

A week later, we connected over Zoom, and she began to tell me about a custom/hybrid publisher that she used for her book.

She connected us, and it went from there. I looked up the website and had a call with the guy from the publishing company, and after looking over everything, we knew that was the direction to go.

I was able to have my oldest son here and my youngest son and his wife online so they could be a part of it. That made it truly special!

The next step was to get my manuscript to them and to start the phone calls to make a publishing plan.

Carpenter’s Son is a part of Clovercroft Publishing Group. I am enjoying working with them and teaming up to get this book out into the world so people can read it!