It’s Like Christmas Eve Around Here

I have been thinking about the reality that my book will officially come out to the world tomorrow!

All the years of writing and the months of planning, marketing, and book launching have led up to this day. I understand why people relate this process to having a baby.

Tonight has been full of tears, joy, prepping, and worshipping.

Tomorrow is a gift. This book that I have prayed over and poured hours of writing, wrestling, tears flowing, flesh dying, heartbreaking, and healing happening into is now going to be a reality.

The gift is that it gets to go out into the world, and others get to read it, hear my heart, and experience through my words what I only hope will bring them to Jesus.

I pray that God will put this book into every hand that needs it, and He does what only He can do.

Thank you for sharing this journey with me. I pray that God is glorified above all and that more people in the world will live free!