Champion! by Lauren McNeeley

A champion can be someone who shows superior skill or ability, but it can also mean someone who fights or speaks for another person or in favor of a cause. I love that it’s both. The word comes from the Latin root fighter.

Becoming someone who shows superior skill or ability takes a fighting spirit, and so does becoming someone who fights for the efforts of others.

 Many of us have been championing our friend Desiree as she launches her first book. As we have read in the weeks leading up to the book launch, writing, publishing, and marketing this book has been a fight. We can call Desiree a champion because she conquered the obstacles that stood in her way. I love that this word can be a noun and a verb all at the same time!

 As Christians, it’s part of our call to champion each other as we run our race. Comparison and criticism have no place on the path to becoming champions in our own rights. Staying in our lane and celebrating others for their achievements in Christ brings Him glory! 

How beautiful a day when we, as a unified body, can stand confident in who we were made to be, cheering on others and who they were made to be as we usher in Jesus, the greatest and most victorious champion of them all!

Since we were made in His image and He gave us the victory, I encourage us all to continue fighting to do all God has created us for and to champion others as they do the same along the way!I am grateful for my friend Desiree who does that so well. I encourage you all to continue to support her as she bravely puts her story out there for the world to see and as she shows those in her book how to live in a relationship with a God who reigns victoriously over all, still yet so lovingly and compassionately with us all!