Encircled by Gail Cooper

A powerful book by a beautiful author who has found her strength, healing, and rest in the Lord Jesus.

Words escape me as I attempt to describe this book. From the moment I read the first page, I kept wanting to read. I experienced every emotion possible as I read each chapter. Tears flowed as I felt Gail’s heart through each word she wrote.

Gail shares the experience of losing her son and the journey she went on as she grieved and longed to find some healing. We learn how death changes us; you are never fully the same after experiencing deep losses, such as she did with her son. We learn things about ourselves and see our relationship with Jesus as it truly is.

Through this process, Gail shares how God met her where she was, proving beyond a shadow of any doubt that He was with her in this deep and dark valley. She shares openly and transparently the wrestles and the struggles with God through it all. She acknowledges the battle to draw close to this God we love, yet we are angry with and don’t understand His ways. We see His deep, intimate love for Gail in how He doesn’t allow her to wrestle and struggle to push HIm away. Instead, He comes in even closer.

We see His faithfulness and Gail’s faith grow throughout this journey, which continues even after the book ends.

Whether you have gone through a profound loss, or not, each one of us has our own deep, dark valleys. This book is for you! If you are struggling to believe who God is, or if He loves you, this book is for you. If you feel alone or like God has abandoned you, this book is for you, and even if you are not in any of these places, this book is for you. God will use Gail’s story and testimony powerfully.

This is a great book, not only for yourself, but it would make an amazing gift for anyone else in your life!
